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Showing posts from December, 2018

What are the benefits of jujube leaves in medical?

Jujube is a kind of fruit that everyone often eats. It has high nutritional value and excellent health care effect. However, for the leaves of jujube trees, everyone pays little attention. Many people do not know that jujube leaves can also be used as medicine. It can be used for the treatment of various diseases. 1.Medicinal value of jujube leaves Jujube leaves contain various medicinal ingredients such as wax base opaloid and berberine. They have a customary anesthetic effect. They are mild in nature and non-toxic. They have many functions such as detoxification, swelling and pain relief. They can be used for children's fever and sores. Treatment of various diseases, such as decoction during treatment, can also directly clean the affected area with the fried medicinal soup. 2.Jujube leaves can stop vomiting And stomach antiemetic is one of the important functions of jujube leaves. When people have nausea or vomiting, they can prepare dried jujube leaves one or two, mu

What are the benefits of Chinese red date?

According to  Chinese medicine records , red jujube is sweet and warm, and belongs to the spleen and stomach. It has the functions of supplementing the vital energy, nourishing blood and calming the nerves, and alleviating the medicinal properties. Modern pharmacology found that Chinese red dates contain protein, fat, sugar, organic acids and vitamin A , vitamin C, a small amount of calcium. Red jujube contains abundant nutrients such as amino acids. ◆Jujube can improve human immunity, and can inhibit cancer cells: pharmacological research found that red dates can promote the formation of white blood cells, lower serum cholesterol, improve serum albumin, protect the liver, red dates also contain cancer cells, and even cancer A substance that cells transform into normal cells. ◆People who regularly eat fresh jujube rarely suffer from gallstones, this is because the rich vitamin C in fresh jujube, the body's excess cholesterol is converted to bile acid, less cholesterol, the p

How to eat jujubes?

There are many ways to eat red dates . You can make tea, cook, eat raw, also porridge soup, do simmering mud, but how to eat red dates best? The best way to eat red dates is to boil. That is, boil in boiling water or boiled until the red dates soaked, and even the soup is fed with red date meat. Boiled red dates will not change the nutritional value, but also avoid some diarrhea caused by life. Do not let red jujube skin eat red dates. Because the red jujube skin is very rich in vitamins, it is much higher than the jujube meat with high sugar content. However, the jujube's epidermis is hard and contains insoluble crude fiber, which is extremely difficult to digest. It must be chewed thoroughly when eating. Do not “swallow the jujube”, otherwise it will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. For computer people, how do you eat red dates best? You can use three or four red dates, plus three or four chrysanthemums, a small amount of medlar, brewed with boiled bo