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Showing posts from February, 2019

Is jujube fruit good for weight loss?

Eating more red dates in winter is very good for the body, especially women should eat more ,which has a good effect on blood. However, there are people who worry that druit jujube fruit  will gain weight when they eat more. Is this true? In general, the right amount of red dates is not fat. Many women worry that the heat is too high, affecting their body. In fact, the calories are not very high, and proper consumption has no effect on people who lose weight. However, dry red dates do have a relatively high calorie, about 200 calories, which is equivalent to raisins. Therefore, dry red dates should be eaten less for people who lose weight. In short, red dates should not be eaten excessively. For the general size, do not exceed five, for large we usually eat two or three is enough, and for the smaller dates we eat eight to nine per day.

How to buy best organic dried jujube fruit ?

1、Don’t measure the quality of the red dates according to the size of the  jujube fruit . The varieties of the Chinese red dates are different and the size is different; 2、Look at the color, the best jujube fruit color is dark red, not yellow, yellow is the light of the jujube tree is blocked, not fully red when mature; 3、Touch, two hands grab a red jujube, gently pinch, feel the elasticity, if you feel it can be pinched down, then the date is either too much water, or the date is too sturdy, the date can be pinched down A little, then you can recover quickly.

How to store dried jujube?

Packed in plastic bags and placed in the refrigerator for refrigeration. Reason: Red dates are afraid of the wind, afraid of high temperature and humidity. After being exposed to the wind, it is easy to shrink, the skin color changes from red to black, high temperature, moisture is easy to produce pulp, and the insects are moldy. Dried red dates  are the flesh of dried red dates. It is best kept in a closed container to keep it fresh.

How long do dried jujubes last?

Can Chinese red dates be eaten for a long time? Dried fruit foods have no special shelf life. According to the national requirements, the  red jujube fruit  processing is a 12-month shelf life. Dry goods for up to 36 months. However, the red dates will last for up to 24 months. No matter how much more, the nutritional value is not high. There are sugar in the red dates, and the sugar is an acid-based substance, which is acidic. It has been decomposed by microorganisms for a long time, and the acidity is more obvious. If the amount of bacteria is large, you can't eat it. As long as it is not for a long time, it is recommended to boil it, then dry it. How long can red dates generally be put? Generally speaking, the shelf life of dried red jujube is 24 months. The bulk red dates are soft and hard. As long as the jujube are not cleaned, they are placed in a cool, dry and ventilated place. The temperature is preferably controlled at 1 to 10 degrees. Under normal circumstanc

How about black dates calories?

Black dates , also known as Chinese black jujube, are processed by Xinyu Panda Yueshui. So it is also called jujube. Its skin color is black and slightly purple. There are fine and light lines and steamy luster. The meat is firm and delicate, and the taste is sweet and slightly smoky.

What is jujube fruit?

ALIORGANIC  Jujube fruit  come from China shaanbei, on both sides of the Yellow River.And all the red dates for sale are from 500 acres of uncontaminated organic soil. In the field of red dates, China has a history of 5,000 years. According to historical records, jujube is a traditional and famous specialty tree native to China. Jujubes have discovered jujube nuclear fossils from the Xinzheng Ligang cultural site, which proves that jujube has been in China for more than 8,000 years. As early as the Western Zhou Dynasty, people began to use red dates to ferment red jujube wine, as a superior tribute, feasting guests.The nutritional and health effects of jujube have been discovered and utilized in ancient times. The Book of Songs has a record of "April peeling dates". On the Book of Rites, there is a "jujube, sweet and sour", which is used in the production of dishes. "Warring States Policy" has "the benefit of jujube in the north ... enough to eat

ALIORGANIC welcome to communicate business

ALIORGANIC - Global Organic Jujube Partner startting work,welcome to communicate  organic jujube  series products business.

Where to buy jujube fruit?

ALIORGANIC is the best global organic jujube fruit partner,focusing on the planting、processing 、R&D and sales of organic Chinese red dates series products。 JAS&NOP & EU standard organic certificate  is the guarantee of our products。 Our goal is letting friends from all corners of the world eat organic red dates.We can provide red dates series for you is: organic dried jujube 、 organic black dates 、 organic jujube powder 、 organic jujube juice 、 organic fresh jujube 、 organic jujube tea .