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Jujube fruit country of origin

Regarding the origin country of jujube fruit, one view is that jujube dates originated in China. For example, botanists Dekandor, Bernard, Kikuchi Akio, Rukowski, Halkin, Yu Dezhen, Qu Zezhou and many other scholars believe that red dates is native to China. Another point of view is multi-origin. For example, the former Soviet scholar Vavilov and the Japanese scholar Xing Chuan Qing relative held the latter view. Some also believe that the origin of the jujube date is still unclear. It can be seen that the origin of the red jujube is not the same. However, according to historical documents and archaeological data, the origin of chinese red date is China, and the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River are the earliest cultivation centers.
jujube fruit
a) Ancient literature
According to research, the earliest recorded history book of jujube tree cultivation is the Book of Songs, and it is believed that the earliest cultivated area is the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. In addition, "Erya", "Xia Xiaozheng", "Xijing Miscellanies" in the Han Dynasty, "Qimin Yaoshu" in the Northern Wei Dynasty, "Jiaojue" in the Yuan Dynasty, "Compendium of Materia Medica" in the Ming Dynasty, "People's Figure", Qing The "Training Time Test" and "The Plant Name Map" are recorded in the generation. It shows that jujube fruit cultivation in China has a long history and has been paid attention to all ages. Therefore, many scholars believe that chinese date is native to China.
b) Archaeological materials
1. Unearthed cultural relics
Since the 1960s, it has been excavated in Suizhou, Jiangling, Yunmeng, Hunan, Changsha, Guangzhou, Guangdong, Lianyungang, Sichuan, Zhaohua, Gansu, Wuwei, Gansu, and Turpan, Gu Gaochang, Xinjiang, in the west. Jujube nucleus and dried jujube remains. These ancient tombs have a history of more than two thousand years. This means that jujube trees have been cultivated in large areas in China as early as two thousand years ago. In the 1970s, the carbonized jujube nucleus and dried jujube were excavated in the Ligang, Mixian, Neolithic Age, Henan Province, and the Banpo Site in Xi'an, Shaanxi. The results of 14C measurement show that the history of 7240±80 years is 7200 years ago, indicating that China was as early as 7000 years ago. The date has been collected and used. This provides strong evidence for the earliest cultivation of jujube date fruit originating China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River.
2, fossil
In Linyi, Shandong Province, the Miocene (from 12 to 14 million years ago) was discovered in the diatomaceous earth, and the archaeological scholars believed that the above-mentioned leaf fossils were similar to the current jujube. The comparison of the results of the Shanwang jujube leaf fossils with the modern jujube leaves also proves this argument. Archaeologists also believe that Shanwangzao is widely distributed in the northern provinces of China, which proves that there are sour jujubes in China at least 12 million years ago, and the distribution is wide. Therefore, the origin of suanzao in China is beyond reproach. Various kinds of evidence have proved that zizyphus is the original species of red dates fruit, so it is understandable that the jujube chinese date originated in China.
c) Distribution of wild community of ziziphus jujuba and jujube tree
Many scholars believe that the distribution of wild communities is one of the important evidences for judging the origin. According to the investigation, jujube is widely distributed in China, especially in the northern Taihang Mountains, Luliang Mountain, Wutai Mountain, etc., and there are many types of jujube, which is the result of long-term evolution and natural selection. In addition, there are still 700-900-year-old ancient jujube trees in Gaoping, Shanxi, Qingyi, and Beijing.


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