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When is red jujube date fruit in season?

When is chinese dried red date ripe?

red dates fruit
The flowering period is mostly at the end of May, June.
Daily average temperature is 24-26 degrees; soil moisture is 70-80%; June ≥10mm precipitation for more than three days
(1) The average temperature below 23° after flowering for 3 days is unfavorable for sitting fruit;
(2) cold wave, continuous low temperature, and serious decline in output;
(3) The air humidity is less than 40% and it is almost impossible to germinate;
(4) Too much drought affects pollen development and pollen tube growth, leading to flowering and fruit setting;
(5) The pollination fruit is affected by cloudy days for three consecutive days;
(6) There are many jujube flowers, and the amount of falling flowers is large. The flowering rate of general varieties is 80-90%, the number of physiological fruit is 70-90%, and the number of ripe fruits is only 0.4-2% of the total flower. . Falling fruit is generally concentrated in the period from the end of the flowering period to the hard core period. After the hard core, most varieties rarely fall.
The first stage is the rapid growth period, which lasts 7-8 weeks; the second stage is the slow growth period, which lasts 4-7 weeks; the third stage is the pre-cooking growth period, which lasts about 3 weeks.
The average daily temperature is above 24-25°; the relative humidity is less than 60%; the 11-12 hours of sunshine, the branches and leaves are dense, and the fruit is swollen faster.
The temperature is too low;More rain in the late stage of fruit development and maturity, easy to rotten fruit, fruit drop
Appropriate amount of water is conducive to fruit growth.
More than 3 days and more than 2 cloudy days, fruit rot, fruit drop
precipitation of jujube mature period >20mm, cracked fruit
Take the leaf protection measures, the defoliation period can be postponed for about 15 days
Daily average temperature 13-15°; soil moisture 60-70%; strengthen water and fertilizer management

November - March 
of the following year

The average daily temperature is 5-8°; the soil moisture is 60-70%; the trunk is painted white to prevent freezing damage;
The average daily temperature in January is ≤ -20° for 7-10 consecutive days.


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