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Showing posts from January, 2019

How to eat fresh jujube?

Fresh to eat, is raw. Steamed fresh dates and taste soft and sweet. Dried up and eaten, you can cook porridge in winter, medicine, sparkling wine, steamed flower cake and other three ways of eating are not destroying its nutritional value, that is, blood and beauty.

How many dried jujube recipes?

1. Red dates soak in water The study found that taking a cup of jujube water every day can play a good role in nourishing liver and detoxification. Scientists have found through experiments that people with poor liver function take a cup of jujube water every day, and they can effectively increase serum protein in the body for one week, so that they can achieve the role of health care liver. 2. Red dates, tea, drink You can put the red dates into the wok and stir fry. After darkening, you can make tea. It has a good health care function. If you add some longan, you have a good blood and qi. This jujube tea is very good for qi and shin, and it is very suitable for some people who often use cockroaches. 3. Red dates and porridge drink Taking jujube porridge to take it can play a good role in soothing the nerves. It is best to choose millet, so that the effect of jujube and soothe the nerves can be maximized. In addition, if women have a restless situation, you can also add som

How about red date ginger tea benefits?

Expelling cold:  The girl's chin is long and acne is caused by lack of blood and blood. Drinking ginger and jujube tea is very helpful for chin and acne. Enhance immunity:  There are many effects of  ginger jujube tea . Regular consumption of ginger jujube tea can also enhance immunity, improve gastrointestinal discomfort, and also have effects on dry mouth and other symptoms. Promote digestion and antibacterial:  Ginger jujube tea can enhance and accelerate the circulation of blood, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, excite the stomach, so as to promote digestion, and antibacterial effect. Treatment of colds and colds:  When you have a cold, if you know that it is cold, you can drink ginger and jujube tea, which can cure the cold and cold, and the effect is quite good. Huoxue:  Ginger jujube tea contains a variety of active ingredients, often drinking, with detoxification, anti-inflammatory, dehumidification and blood circulation, vomiting, warm stomach and o

How do you boil red dates?

Nowdays, many people like to eat foods that can keep fit, and red dates are one of them. Not only is it nutritious, it is a popular nourishing food that has always been praised in China, and it is relatively economical. Especially the dried red dates are more popular because of the thick meat. In the various ways of eating red dates, cooking and eating nutrition is the most difficult to lose. First, put the washed dried dates into the pot, then add three times of cold water and boil it with a fire. After a while, you will see a lot of white foam on it, and some white scum will be there. Take these white scum as much as possible. Since these white slags will continue to appear, the process of this cockroach will last for about twenty minutes. After the white slag is basically not available, turn the fire off and keep cooking for an hour and a half. After the soup is almost dried, it can be put on the plate and let it cool.

How do you make dried jujube?

Jujube is made from fully mature fresh dates. It is the dryest product with the largest amount of processing and the most simple method and the most widely used in China. Drying methods mainly include drying method, drying method, baking method and drying machine drying method. In addition, in recent years, a newly developed freeze-sublimation drying method, a microwave drying method, a far-infrared drying method, a solar drying method, and the like have been developed. Either way, the fresh dates used should be fully matured, harvested, and graded. In order to improve the quality, it can be blanched in boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes before drying. Drying method:  Dry the fresh jujube in a dry, dry and ventilated place, and turn it every 1~3 days to make the jujube gradually lose moisture and become dried jujube. This method is applicable to areas with a lot of rainy days during harvesting and thin and coarse flesh. The red dates produced by this method are bright in color,

What are the side effects of red dates for women?

Although the red dates are good, they will flatulence when they eat too much, so you should pay attention to controlling the amount of food. People with damp heat and yellow tongue coating should not eat. Excessive consumption can damage digestive function: red dates can be eaten regularly, but not excessive, otherwise it will damage digestive function and cause constipation. In addition, jujube is rich in sugar, especially the red dates made into snacks, which are not suitable for diabetic patients to avoid the increase of blood sugar and make the condition worse. If you eat too much red dates and don't drink enough water, you will easily get your teeth. Reminder: During menstruation, some women may have eye swelling or swollen feet. In fact, this is a wet weight performance. These people are not suitable for taking red dates. Because red dates are sweet, they are easy to eat and eat, and they are wet. In the body, the condition of edema is more serious. If there is a person

What are the benefits of drinking honey jujube tea?

Honey jujube tea not only smells fragrant and pleasant, but also is a food with qi and blood, which is the best drink for women to raise blood. Jujube contains iron, which is indispensable to the human body. It is an important component of hemoglobin. It can prevent anemia and strengthen the immune system. It is one of the most important mineral elements for women. The fructose and glucose in natural honey can be directly absorbed by the body, improving the nutritional status of the blood in the human body, and the fusion of the two can achieve the effect of tonifying blood and tonifying blood. Chinese red dates are a kind of nutritional good, and is known as the "king of the fruit". Jujube is rich in vitamins A, B, C and other essential vitamins and 18 kinds of amino acids and minerals. The content of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is as high as 70-80 times that of grapes and apples. The content is also very high. Chinese herbal medicine book "The Classic" records:

What are the nutritional value of ziziphus jujube?

The taste of ziziphus jujuba is moderately sweet and sour, the color is uniform, soft and delicate, and it is thirsty and nutritious. The nutrition of ziziphus jujube is mainly reflected in its ingredients. It not only contains other trace elements such as potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and selenium like other fruits; more importantly, the fresh jujube contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is 2-3 times higher than that of red dates. 20-30 times of citrus, the utilization rate in the human body can reach 86.3%, which is the best among all fruits.

Black date vs red date

Black dates and red dates , although they are called "jujube", but the difference between the two can be very different, let's take a look at it! 1. Different categories. Black dates are persimmons, while red dates are jujubes. 2.The main effects are different. The main effect of black dates is to nurse the spleen and stomach. The main effect of red dates is blood and medicine. Jujube can nourish the blood, and it is regarded as a qi supplement by the people. It can heal the face, dryness, muscle loss, qi and blood, etc. It can also prevent anemia, purpura, and women's menopausal mood. Although black dates are not as widely used as red dates, they are often found in kidneys and nourishing the stomach. 3.Different nutritional values. Black dates are rich in dietary fiber and pectin, which can help digestion and soft stools. Red dates are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin b2, etc., which is the crown of the hundred fruits. 4.The scope of use is different

How to plant jujube tree on the ground?

After entering the autumn, the temperature gradually decreased. After the jujube trees were planted, the wounds of the underground roots healed quickly, and the evaporation of the aboveground part was small, and the survival rate was high. However, autumn jujube trees should pay attention to the following eight aspects: 1.Start a good seedling. Try to avoid damage to the roots when starting the seedlings. In order to facilitate planting, the main root can be slightly trimmed after seedling to facilitate the absorption of water by the seedlings and increase the survival rate. 2. Digging holes. Dig a 50-60 cm square tree pit so that the roots of the seedlings are fully stretched in the pit. When digging a pit, separate the topsoil from the subsoil, and then fill the bottom of the pit with the topsoil. 3. Fertilize. Dig the tree pit and apply 5 kg of high-quality organic fertilizer on the bottom. The excavated subsoil can also be blended with 20 kg of organic fertilizer and fill

What are health benefits of black dates ?

Black dates are a kind of tonic for Chinese medicine to name the name before, and the effects and effects of black dates are as follows: 1. Protect the heart. Black dates are rich in minerals and potassium, which contain lower levels of sodium, which helps people control their blood pressure and protect their heart health. 2. Prevent constipation. What are the benefits of eating black dates, what are the magical effects and effects of black dates? The dietary fiber rich in black dates can promote gastrointestinal motility, help the laxative and prevent constipation. Note that dried black dates are suitable for people with qi deficiency and blood deficiency. If you eat too much, you will get angry and it will lead to constipation. Fresh black dates can be used for intestines, don't eat wrong. 3.Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. The yellow pigment rich in black dates has good anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. 4. Enhance human immunity. The vitamin C

What is the difference between organic red dates and ordinary red dates?

Organic products are an international name that is translated directly from English Organic Food. Organic Food is one of the main components of organic products (organic products also include organic production materials, organic cosmetics, furniture, etc.).And it is also called ecological or biological food. Organic food is a relatively unified reference to non-polluting natural foods on the national standard. Organic food comes from organic agricultural production systems and is produced and processed according to international organic agricultural production requirements and corresponding standards. Synthetic substances such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified technology products are prohibited in the production process. Organic food is the most demanding and relatively high quality food in all foods (here, foods produced under different standards such as pollution-free foods and green foods). Organic red dates refer to red dates which are produc

What difference between black dates and red dates

Black dates and red dates , although they are called " jujube ", but the difference between the two can be very different, let's take a look at it! 1. Different categories. Black dates are persimmons, while red dates are jujubes. 2.The main effects are different. The main effect of black dates is to nurse the spleen and stomach. The main effect of red dates is blood and medicine. Jujube can nourish the blood, and it is regarded as a qi supplement by the people. It can heal the face, dryness, muscle loss, qi and blood, etc. It can also prevent anemia, purpura, and women's menopausal mood. Although black dates are not as widely used as red dates, they are often found in kidneys and nourishing the stomach. 3.Different nutritional values. Black dates are rich in dietary fiber and pectin, which can help digestion and soft stools. Red dates are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin b2, etc., which is the crown of the hundred fruits. 4.The scope of use is differe