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Showing posts from March, 2019

Can drink red date tea during menstruation?

Chinese red dates , sweet and warm, the main function is buzhong yiqi, nourishing blood and soothe the nerves, clinically used for the treatment of spleen and stomach qi deficiency, blood deficiency and chlorosis, blood deficiency, insomnia and other dreams. Drinking jujube tea as usual can improve the paleness of the face and the coldness of hands and feet for women who have anemia caused by excessive menstrual blood. Therefore, life is often favored by female friends. However, the use of dried jujube tonic is not suitable for all female friends. For example, during menstruation, some women often have eye swelling or swollen feet. In fact, this is a sign of wet weight. This type of population is not suitable for taking jujube fruit. This is because the red dates are sweet, and it is easy to eat and damp, which causes the water to accumulate in the body and aggravate the symptoms of edema. At the same time, women who take jujube fruit and are hot and dry are not suitable for menst

How to choose dried jujube?

1, The appearance of  jujube fruit The quality dried jujube is very full and there are fewer cracks. When you choose, you should choose a smooth skin and no scars. 2, The head of  dried red dates Small red jujube, there is not much flesh in the taste, and the taste is average. The big dried jujube, the flesh is very thick, many, and looks fat. When you choose, you will choose the big ones. 3, The taste of  chinese red dates If it tastes sweet, then it is a good dried red dates. Too sweet Chinese red dates is not recommended for purchase. Generally sweet is enough. 4, The color of jujube The color should be chosen to be very bright. Crimson hongzao are generally sweet because the sun is abundant. If you eat now, I suggest you choose more crimson. The taste is very mellow. 5, The feel of  dried jujube You can squeeze the jujube fruit by hand. If you feel that the skin is very soft and the flesh inside is very full, then it is a good jujube. 6, The freshness of  o

How to choose fresh red dates?

First of all,  fresh red dates  are sweeter than most fruits. Even when cooking boiled soup, you can even replace sugar for seasoning. Fresh jujube fruit  4 big selection tips 1、 R uddy and full:   fresh chinese red dates  are full, the skin folds are usually less than the current year. And the red jujube skin will be very bright after scrubbing. 2、 T he epidermis is deep : In fact, once the red dates fruit are removed, the color change of the epidermis will not be too large. Through the color of the epidermis, the sweetness of the red dates can be judged. The darker the color, the higher the maturity and the sweeter it is. 3、 The top has a handle : if there is no stalk at the top, if there is a small hole, it is over the worm, you can also pinch it by hand. If the flesh is soft and empty, it may be insects. 4、 R eddish brown good : red jujube fruit color to choose red-brown color, the most taboo bright red, because it may be dyed products, the color has been red more than

How many red dates to eat per day?

Jujube fruit  has a high sugar content. The dry chinese red dates that everyone likes to eat have a sugar content of 55%-80%. The calories produced are equivalent to the staple food. Therefore, eating too many red dates every day is equivalent to eating a staple food, which is easy to gain weight. The average size of  dried red dates , the most suitable for eating 5 per day, the large jujubes are up to 3 per day, and the smaller jujubes are 8 or 9 per day. Dried red jujube  sugar is more, diabetes patients should pay attention not to eat red dates and snacks made of red dates, otherwise the sugar intake will be excessive, and those who have tooth decay should also eat less. There are many indigestible dietary fibers in jujube skin. Excessive intake is easy to digest, leading to flatulence in the stomach and constipation. Organic dried jujube fruit  is a damp dry food. People who have heavy body and edema in the body will eat too much and will aggravate edema. Some women wi

What is the difference between date palm and red date?

Date palm  is the fruit of date palm tree, also known as Iraqi candied dates. The flesh is sweeter than red dates.  Jujube  is also known as jujube fruit, dried jujube and red date. It originated in China and has been in China for more than 4,000 years. It has been since ancient times. It is listed as one of the “five fruits” and the remaining four fruits are peach, plum(Li), plum(Mei) and apricot. The taste of date palm and jujube fruit is completely different. The taste of date palm is more similar to that of dried persimmon. The date palm has a unique flavor of palm date. The sweetness of the date is very high and it is delicious, but it is now used for soup. The red dates are processed and mostly eaten directly.

How Jujube Can Improve Your Sleep and Health?

The main symptom of insomnia is poor sleep quality. Many patients often feel sleep deprivation, and they still feel tired after waking up. These are also symptoms of insomnia. Many factors can lead to poor sleep quality, but the symptoms caused by insomnia are different. If such symptoms need to be identified in time, the best treatment time cannot be delayed. At the same time, in the current era, insomnia has been plaguing the psychological and physical health of many patients. If long-term lack of sleep and no effective improvement, it will have a serious impact on life and work. So how can  jujube  eat to cure insomnia? Longan jujube fruit porridge Peanut jujube porridge Goji berry jujube porridge

What are the benefits of dong quai jujube tea?

Dong quai red date tea  is a tea made from three materials: dong quai, chinese red date and tea. It is very suitable for women to lose weight. It can effectively eliminate toxins from the body, and at the same time, it can also be used for beauty and beauty. At the same time, red dates also have a good nourishing effect on women. The benefits of  dong quai jujube tea : 1.Strong body 2.Treatment of physical drowsiness, shortness of breath 3.Treatment of hypertension 4.Iron deficiency heart disease

How to eat red jujube folder walnut?

1、Eat directly 2、Jujube walnut milk Practice:, 3 pieces of  red dates walnuts , 250 ml of milk, all the materials needed to be mixed in the crusher, beat into red dates walnut milk, a cup of good and nutritious every day. 3、Walnut red dates peanut porridge Practice: 3 pieces of free jujube walnuts will be washed, cut a little, and then put into the pot and rice or millet and peanuts together into a porridge.

Who is not suitable for drinking goji red dates tea?

In general,  red goji red dates tea  can be consumed all day, but for those who want to improve their sleep, it is recommended to drink half an hour before going to bed. If you want to drink goji jujube tea to make up your body, you can drink it at three o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, you can better absorb the nutrition of  black goji jujube tea . 1.Red/Black goji has a strong warming effect. People with colds and fever and those with inflammation and diarrhea should not take it. 2.People with poor liver and kidne 3.Red/Black goji has the function of excitement of the intestines, the use of debilitating people will have the disadvantage of slipping and diarrhea, and those with unheated internal heat should be used with caution.

Jujube fruit, the "anti-cancer master" in food

"Three eclipses of the eclipse, not old at the age of 100" "Wood and red dates, better than the ganoderma lucidum" ... These in-depth dietary slang fully demonstrates the important position of  red dates  in China's health culture. The health care function of jujube has been discovered and utilized in ancient times, and its therapeutic value has also been recognized by modern science.  More and more studies have confirmed that red dates have certain effects in preventing cancer. First, jujube is rich in cyclic adenosine monophosphate and cyclic guanosine monophosphate. Studies have confirmed that these two active ingredients can inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells and induce their mature differentiation. Second, red dates are also rich in triterpenoids (such as behenic acid) and adenosine diphosphate. Most of the triterpenoids have the function of inhibiting cancer cells, and the effect of maslinic acid is the strongest. Although adenosine diphosphate d

Can diabetics eat jujube fruit?

The blood sugar production index of  jujube fruit  is about 75, which belongs to the food of high glycemic index.It is easy to cause blood sugar fluctuations to be relatively large.People with high blood sugar or poor control are not recommended to eat jujube, blood sugar control is better, you can eat 2-3 per day, it is best to add food after 2 hours after meal, so as to avoid blood sugar peak in food Value, the impact on blood sugar will be much smaller.You can also eat separately, eat one at a time, up to 2, which can disperse the effect on blood sugar.

Are Chinese red dates heaty or cooling?

The heaty and cooling of food is of great concern to many people, because the properties of foods that are suitable for people of different constitutions are different. Dried jujube fuit is a very popular food and a very common ingredient. So is organic chinese red dates hot or cool? 1、belonging to warm food Jujube fruit is neither a hot food nor a cool food, but a warm food. Chinese medicine thinks that red dates are sweet and warm, and have the effects of replenishing vital energy, nourishing blood and calming the nerves, and alleviating medicinal properties. Like red dates, most warm foods have a warming effect, and eating is very beneficial to the human body. 2、eating precautions Dried red dates is delicious and delicious. The average person has no harm to the human body but has many benefits. However, there is a group of people who are not suitable for eating red dates, that is, diabetic patients. The reason is that the sugar content in chinese jujube is very high. If