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Showing posts from April, 2019

Pregnant can drink red date water?

Pregnant can drink dried jujube fruit water?Yes, it is blood, often eat or soak in water, very good, but don't eat too much a day! However, if you want to eat dry, you can eat the chinese dried dates after soaking in water. Fresh dates fruit cannot be eaten more.  What are the benefits of eating  red jujube fruit  for the fetus? Promote the development of the fetal nervous system. Jujube date fruit contains very rich folic acid, which is involved in the formation of blood cells and promotes the development of the fetal nervous system. Conducive to the development of fetal intelligence. Red dates contain trace element zinc, which is conducive to fetal brain development and promote fetal intelligence development. Help pregnant women fill blood and iron. In addition to rich carbohydrates and protein, chinese jujube fruit is also rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C, which can promote the absorption of iron by pregnant women. In addition, the blood-supply effe

Introduction of global red jujube fruit

Hong zao fruit  is native to China and has a written history of more than 3,000 years. In Chinese history, jujube red date is associated with peach, apricot, plum, and chestnut, and is called "five fruits." Organic jujube dates cultivated in all countries of the world is drawn from China. The date plam of the world is also known as the Iraqi jujube, which belongs to the family Palmaceae. The jujube of China is of the family Rhamnaceae, and the shape of the fruit is similar, which is the same name as the foreign body. China's jujube has now spread to more than 20 countries and regions on five continents. However, except for a small amount of cultivation in countries such as South Korea, the United States, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan, there is no economic cultivation in other countries in the world. So far, the types of  jujube chinese date  that have been globally counted are: green date black dates red date honey date Sukkary date Ammari date Angou dat

what's difference of honey dates and red dates?

There is a difference between honey dates and  red dates , and of course there is a connection. The connection lies in that they are all made from jujube fruit; the difference is that the red dates is made by fresh Chinese red dates, and the honey jujube is often processed by jujube fruit. The difference between  dried jujube  and honey dates is that the red jujube  is more raw than the original leaves, which is completely the taste of jujube fruit. After the processing of various dates, the honey jujube has not only preserved the nutrients of the jujube fruit, but also increased the sweetness, especially those who like to eat sweet, but also their favorite. After the  fresh green jujube  is ripe, the epidermis slowly turns red and becomes more ripe and redder; the jujube is completely ripe after the green and red jujube, and becomes all deep red. The red date that is bought in the market is that the jujube is ripe, then dried, and it is not easy to deteriorate after drying. I

What’s the benefits of red dates and longan tea?

Benefits of  red dates and longan tea : 1. Brain puzzle: Working pressure is greater than the brain tension, memory is not good, memory loss, you can drink longan tea to improve your brain power. ( Take 10 hot water directly, or add appropriate amount of honey, goji wolfberries or green tea according to your preference) 2. Warming: Improve the cold body, such as those who often suffer from colds and cold bedwetting. 3. Breast enhancement: TCM doctors say that women are the main blood, and women who often eat longan are ruddy and full-bodied, so many breast-filling recipes are matched with longan. 4. Peace of mind: Longan has the effect of calming the nerves, nourishing the blood and benefiting the spleen, and has a good effect on the symptoms of insomnia. 5. Blood: It can improve cardiovascular cycle, stabilize mental state, relieve stress and tension. Longan is rich in glucose, sucrose, protein and multivitamins and trace elements. It has good nourishing and n

Who is not suitable for eating red dates?

Jujube fruit  is suitable for all ages, especially for the elderly, adolescents, and women. It is also an ideal natural health care product. Particularly suitable for chronic liver disease, low stomach food, cardiovascular disease, spleen deficiency, allergic purpura, bronchial asthma, urticaria, allergic eczema, allergic vasculitis, qi and blood deficiency, malnutrition, palpitation, insomnia, anemia, dizziness, etc. The patient is eaten; in addition, it is also suitable for inhibiting radiation-induced chemotherapy and chemotherapy-induced bone marrow adverse reactions. Those who are hot and humid, children with hoarding and parasitic diseases, people with tooth disease, phlegm and dampness, and those with abdominal distension and thick tongue coatings are not eating. In addition, diabetic patients should not eat more; and fresh red dates should not be eaten, otherwise it is easy to produce sputum, help heat, damage teeth.

Who can't drink longan red dates tea?

Chinese people have the habit of drinking  jujube tea  since ancient times. Busy modern people give tea more functions. Hawthorn, medlar, dried tangerine peel, chrysanthemum and other ingredients with different effects brewed together, turned into a sought after health tea. But drinking these teas is also very particular, not everyone is suitable for drinking. Longan, Yixin spleen, qi and blood, nourishing strong body, nourishing the heart and soothe the nerves, benefiting the spleen and appetizing. Red dates, sweet and warm, with qi and blood, spleen and stomach, soothe the nerves and other effects, is the blood of the holy product. The best way to drink dried longan jujube tea: 5 longan and 5 red dates, brewed with boiling water. It is best to cut the jujube fruit. The  longan jujube tea  is sought after by many women, and it can evoke a good color and delay aging from the inside out.   Because the longan is hot, it is easy to get angry and stagnate, so people who have s

Do you know Chinese jujube fruit culture?

According to historical records,  jujube fruit  is a traditional and famous specialty tree native to China. Jujubes have discovered jujube nuclear fossils from the Xinzheng Ligang cultural site, which proves that jujube has been in China for more than 8,000 years. As early as the Western Zhou Dynasty, people began to use red dates to ferment red jujube wine, as a superior tribute, feasting guests. The nutritional and health effects of jujube have been discovered and utilized in ancient times. The Book of Songs has a record of "April peeling dates". On the Book of Rites, there is a "jujube, sweet and sour", which is used in the production of dishes. "Warring States Policy" has "the benefit of jujube in the north ... enough to eat in the people", pointing out the important role of jujube in northern China. "Han Feizi" also records the use of jujube to save the people when the Qin country was famine. Therefore, the people have always rega

Nutritional value table of dried red dates

More and more  dried red dates  and jujube fruit extract powder are used in different recipes, and its nutritional value has also attracted more people's attention. The following table is about the nutrient composition of dried red jujube. Nutritional value per 100g(3.5 oz) Energy 1201KJ(287 kcal) Carbohydrates 73.6g Fat 1.1g Protein 3.7g Vitamins Quantity%       DV Vitamin A equiv. 0%  0ug Thiamine(B1) 18% 0.21mg Riboflavin(B2) 30% 0.36mg Niacin(B3) 3% 0.5mg Vitamin B6 0% 0mg Vitamin C 16% 13mg Minerals Quantity%  DV Calcium 8% 79mg Iron 14% 1.8mg Magnesium 10% 37mg Manganese 15% 0.305mg Phosphorus 14% 100mg Potassium 11% 531mg Sodium 1% 9mg Zinc 2% 0.19mg Other constituents Quantity Water 19.7g

How to eat jujube tablets?

1, you can eat directly, dry taste is very good, bite a bite, sweet and delicious. 2, you can make tea, so it looks good. The key is to drink very well. Single-bubble jujube tablets are more fragrant and not so sweet. How do  red dates tablets  look good or bad? Clean and free of impurities, no foreign matter; good dryness, dry and non-adhesive; fruit slices are uniform in size, color is natural jujube color, no color. After brewing, the tea soup is clear and amber.  Dried jujube  is full-bodied, sweet and mellow, with no fragrant color, showing natural qualities. After brewing four times, after the tea soup tastes light, remove the jujube tablets. Jujube tablets fully swell after water absorption, restore the delicate taste, then eat jujube soup, it is not a waste.

what is pitted red dates?

Pitted red dates  is to remove the nucleus of the dried jujube, which is convenient for everyone to eat, especially for children, because the jujube nucleus may be stuck in the child's throat when the child is eating. However, the dried pitted jujube slowly become a favorite snack. The nutritional value of jujube fruit is extremely high, especially organic pitted red dates. There are many ways to remove the red dates: there is a simple nuclear removal, and the machine is nuclear, but in any case, the original ecological value of the red dates will not be lost.